DIMEC - Presentation


Since 1965 the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Chile  (DIMEC U. Chile) has developed research and teaching, through its undergraduate and postgraduate study programs, research projects, advisory services and consultancies.

The Mechanical Engineers graduate from the University of Chile with competences in basic and engineering sciences, analytical and experimental abilities, knowledge of the national reality and the economic environment. In addition to creativity, ethics, communication skills and team working.

The DIMEC U. Chile contributes to the generation of science and technology in the country. It seeks to relate its educational and research project to the requirements of a changing industrial environment. To meet this objective, it teaches the Mechanical Engineering Career and performs research in specific areas associated with the Master’s and Doctoral programs.


The DIMEC’s mission is to generate knowledge, develop technologies and train engineers within the disciplines of Mechanical Engineering, positively impacting Chilean society and industry.

The tasks of the Department are:

  • Teaching undergraduate and graduate programs in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Develop basic and applied research, measured by international standards.
  • Participate in the national scientific-technological system.
  • Develop technology transfer and innovation projects with the industry.
  • Collaborate in the dissemination and positioning of the profession in Chile.


The DIMEC seeks to be a referent in the related subjects, performing with a high quality standard in the training of professionals, who help accelerate progress from Chile.

We will move forward in becoming a referent not only in terms of training, but also in terms of links with the industry, since we are working on ambitious programs that will allow us to transform ourselves into an academic community globally integrated with the different productive sectors, through the development of effective alliances with the government, companies, other universities and technology centers.